APR results are out!

In the benchmark year for the St. James R-1 School District, the Annual Performance Report (APR) has revealed that we have scored the highest among local area schools and the highest in the Four Rivers Conference.

The district's impressive performance comes in the first year for the current evaluation method. The report assesses schools on a range of factors, including academic achievement, student growth, and overall school performance.

Superintendent Tim Webster praised the district's students, teachers, and staff saying, "we are incredibly proud of our students and staff for their commitment to academic excellence. This result is a testament to their hard work and dedication to providing our students with the best possible education.”

While the district celebrates its achievement, it also recognizes the importance of continued growth and improvement. To this end, the district has identified attendance and career and technical education opportunities as areas of focus for the coming year.

"We are always looking for ways to improve and provide our students with the skills they need to succeed in life," said Webster. "We know that attendance is critical to academic success, and we are committed to working with our students and families to ensure that every student has the support they need to attend school regularly."

In addition, the district is also planning to expand its career and technical education offerings, providing students with more opportunities to develop the skills they need to pursue their desired careers.

"We know that our students have a wide range of interests and goals, and we want to make sure that we are providing them with the resources they need to achieve those goals," said Webster. "Mr. Johnson has been working on expanding our career and technical education programs and we hope to give our students the skills and knowledge they need to be successful in whatever career path they choose."

As we look to the future, we remain committed to providing our students with the best possible education and preparing them for success in life.

For further information about our APR Results: https://www.stjschools.org/pag...